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Cities in China

Shanghai ist eine Stadt in der Volksrepublik China, liegt am Huang Pu, im Mündungsgebiet des Chang Jiang, im eigentlichen Stadtgebiet (746 km²) 15 Mio. Einwohner, als „Stadtbezirk“ (der chinesischen Regierung direkt unterstellt) 6341 km², mehr als 20 Mio. Einwohner; fünf Universitäten (die älteste 1896 gegründet), Akademie der Wissenschaften und weitere Hochschulen, Bibliotheken, Observatorium; Museum für Kunst und Geschichte, Shanghai Museum; Opernhaus, Theaterzentrum (Opern, Marionetten- und Schattenspiele); Tempel Long-hua mit 7-stöckiger Pagode, Jadebuddha-Tempel (19. Jahrhundert), Yu-Yuan-Garten (1537 angelegt), kolonialzeitliche und westliche Bauten (Banken, Hotels, Konsulate, Handelsvertretungen) entlang der Uferpromenade („Bund“) des Huang Pu; umfangreiche Stadtsanierung seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre mit modernistischen Neubauten und Neubauvierteln, Fernsehturm (468 m), Jin Mao Tower (421 m; Fertigstellung 1998), World Financial Center (492 m; Fertigstellung 2008); Weltausstellung 2010; wichtigste Handels- und Hafenstadt Chinas, führendes Finanzzentrum (Börse); Stahlerzeugung, Schiff-, Maschinen- und Fahrzeugbau, Metall-, Kunststoff-, Textil- (traditionell Baumwolle und Seide), Nahrungsmittelindustrie, chemische, pharmazeutische, elektrotechnische und grafische Industrie, Hightech-Betriebe (Biotechnologie, Informationstechnologie, Mikroelektronik), Verlage, Druckereien, Ölraffinerien, Kernkraftwerk; Hafen für Schiffe bis 30 000 t (größter Hafen der Welt), durch eine 36 km lange Brücke über die Hangzhou-Bucht (Eröffnung 2008) mit Ningbo verbunden; Eisenbahnknotenpunkt, internationaler Flughafen Pudong, (mit Transrapid-Anschluss an das U-Bahnnetz).

Bereits während der Ming-Zeit (1368-1644) hatte Shanghai wirtschaftliche Bedeutung. Mit dem Vertrag von Nanjing 1842 erfolgte die Zwangsöffnung für den ausländischen Handel. Seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts erlebte die Stadt eine wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Blütezeit. 1921 war Shanghai Gründungsort der chinesischen KP. 1937-1945 hielten die Japaner die Stadt besetzt, die 1949 von den kommunistischen Truppen eingenommen wurde. 1966 nahm die Kulturrevolution in Shanghai ihren Ausgang. In Pudong entstand 1990 eine Sonderwirtschaftszone

In English:
Shanghai is the largest city in China in terms of population and one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world, with over 20 million people. Located on China's central eastern coast at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the city is administered as a municipality of the People's Republic of China with province-level status.
Originally a fishing and textiles town, Shanghai grew to importance in the 19th century due to its favourable port location and as one of the cities opened to foreign trade by the 1842 Treaty of Nanking. The city flourished as a center of commerce between east and west, and became a multinational hub of finance and business by the 1930s. However, Shanghai's prosperity was interrupted after the 1949 Communist takeover and the subsequent cessation of foreign investment. Economic reforms in 1990 resulted in intense development and financing in Shanghai, and in 2005 Shanghai became the world's largest cargo port.
The city is a tourist destination renowned for its historical landmarks such as the Bund and Chenghuang Miao, its modern and ever-expanding Pudong skyline including the Oriental Pearl Tower, and its new reputation as a cosmopolitan center of culture and design. Today, Shanghai is the largest center of commerce and finance in mainland China, and has been described as the "showpiece" of the world's fastest-growing economy.

Here is the official website of Shanghai goverment in English
It is very usefull for newcomers and visitors

Shanghai is big, really big and there a lot of people. You will find no place without people, no matter what time and where you go. You have no privacy or can be alone, except your own home.
One thing - almost same as in Austria "Alle hassen Wien und Wien hasst alle" - basically same applies more or less to Shanghainese and other province people of China. Shanghainese won't agree but it like this.
Shanghainese are proud of themselves and their city. Sometimes too overconfident. Living in Shanghai is very nice as you can get almost everything here. You just need money and money seems to have become the new "God". Every talk between common people is about money, how to earn and how to earn it fast. If anyone make some money, e.g. stock, house or ...- if they hear something then all follow and try to make more. Most time are the common people are the one who pay the price.
Sightseeing in Shanghai - I really don't know what to recommend unless you are happy to see high rise buildings and shopping malls and some museum - some are ok. At least now they are trying to keep some of the old neighbourhood or rebuilding some areas. But still not enough - one day they will regret to have damaged their roots.
Traffic - as you can imagine - is bad and going downtown is a nightmare at rush hours. The elevated road looks like a huge parking space. Cars are moving in extreme slow motion. But chinese driver have a special talent to enlarge a 2 lane road a 4 to 5 lane road. It just multiplies the jam. Drivers never have time and change lanes frequently. They cut an push for every inch. If someone is an inch ahead he feels like the winner - sometimes for what?
I always wonder why the taxi driver so agressive. They got all the time as customer have to pay anyway. I always think it is their outlet to get rid of their fustration about traffic. Taxies are everywhere and lift your hand and they stop - no matter where - they even turn on a one way to get you as a customer. Prices are fair just make sure they use the meter.
Somehow traffic in Shanghai is much better than in other chinese cities which is hard to believe. But driving by your own, better look first before you do. You also need a Chinese drivers license and I recommend not to take a car without GPS - you will be lost.

Better use the subway - if is fairly cheap and well outlayed. Just try to avoid peak hours.

Below you can find the map of Shanghai Metro

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